Pet Profile for New Daycare North Clients - Dogs Bay

Pet Profile for New Daycare North Clients

    Please use one form for each dog. Thank you



    Dog's Name Breed

    Please list any flea/tick products your pet is using:

    Is your dog taking heartworm preventative?

    Does your dog have any preexisting or current medical conditions?
    If yes please describe.

    Does your dog have any food allergies?
    If yes please describe.

    Does your dog have any sensitive areas to his or her body?
    If yes, please describe.

    Is your dog house trained?

    Please check the boxes that best describe your dog's temperament. (Check all that apply.)

    Does your dog have fears or phobias?
    If yes, please describe.

    Has your dog ever bitten another dog?
    If yes, please describe the situation.

    Has your dog ever bitten a person?
    If yes, please describe the situation.

    How does your dog get along with other dogs?

    How does your dog behave around the following?
    Male Dogs
    Female Dogs
    Puppies/Small Dogs

    Does your dog do any guarding of food or toys?
    If yes, please describe

    Has your dog ever jumped or climbed over a fence or gate?
    If yes, please describe

    Does your dog dig?

    Is your dog crate trained?

    Where is your dog primarily?

    What are your dog's favorite toys?

    What are your dog's favorite activities?

    Is there anything your dog should not have? (Certain toys, food, etc?)

    Anything else you would like us to know about your fur friend?

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