Enrichment Seminar - Dogs Bay

Enrichment Seminar

01Boredom and excess energy are two common reasons for behavior problems in dogs. Most dogs are bred for a specific purpose, such as hunting, farming or protection. Whether dogs were working for us or scavenging on their own, their survival once depended on lots of exercise and problem solving. But what about now?

Today’s Job Description: Couch Potato

Today that’s all changed. Now the most common job description for dogs is Couch Potato! While we’re away at work all day, they sleep. We serve them free food in a bow-no effort required for them. They eat more calories than they can use. The result is dogs who are bored silly, often overweight and have too much energy. It’s a perfect recipe for behavior problems.

The Solution? Enrichment! 



Come learn over 20 enrichment activities for every breed of dog!! Most can be made out of everyday household items!


Register Here


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When: January 24
from 11am – 1pm

Where: Paw it Forward Doggie Daycare
3225 132nd Ave, Holland 49424

Cost:  $39.99


 Register by January 10 and get a FREE Chow Hound discount card good for 10-20% off interactive games and more!

Deb Lewis

Deb Lewis, Owner/Certified Trainer and Dog Behavior Counselor will be presenting this seminar along with her sidekick Ace, her German Shepherd Dog, who will be doing “paws on” demonstrations of the enrichment activities.


We will be giving away FREE day of doggie daycare and a few other surprises….so don’t miss out! Register today!

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