Senior Pet Medical Release - Dogs Bay

Senior Pet Medical Release

  • Senior Pet Medical Release
  • Medical Treatment
  • Submit

In preparation of boarding your senior fur friend, please complete the following prior to drop-off

Contact your veterinarian to discuss a course of action should your pet become ill or show signs of stress or discomfort that is affecting their health and wellness.

Choose your emergency contact person carefully. This person should be available and willing to make medical decisions on your behalf, if we cannot reach you, and transport your pet to the veterinarian or emergency care clinic if needed.

If your pet becomes ill or injured while in our care, we will contact the emergency contact person designated on your reservation form for instructions. Should your pet need to see a veterinarian.

Please check the following, per your preferences.

Credit Card Information

I understand my pet’s health and wellness is a top priority and that if the Dogs Bay management team decides during my pet’s stay, that boarding is no longer a suitable option, a Dogs Bay Pet Sitter, veterinarian or alternate arrangement will be made in my pet’s best interest.

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